BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device
SKU/REF 36490200
Improving blood sample quality from IVC collection
The BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device (LLAD) can replace other methods such as syringes and luer adapters, and can reduce haemolysis rates from 8.1% to 1.4%. (58 samples out of 716 to 9 samples out of 630)1. Combining the BD LLAD with a sterilised discard tube together with a partial draw tube reduces haemolysis further2.
Improving urine sample collection through Foley catheters
The BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device enables the transfer of a urine sample directly from a Foley catheter to the Urinalysis/ Microbiology determination tube. This means fewer steps, less sample manipulation and reduced risk of contamination.3
Security of the threaded BD Luer-Lok™ mechanism helps ensure that a closed system is maintained. This allows sample integrity to be maintained and can help prevent microbial overgrowth or false positives.
Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.
This is intended for Health Care Professionals only.
CE 0050 applies to the following product: 364902