
BD Kiestra™ Urine Culture Application

AI that enables high resolution and standardized plate imaging

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An application developed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables high resolution and standardized plate imaging to deliver laboratory efficiencies and advanced image analysis.

Powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution, the BD Kiestra™ Urine Culture application (UCA) helps improve workflow efficiency and enhances quality by providing standardized, diagnostically relevant images for interpretation by laboratory staff.

Product Values

Drive standardization
Standardized images enable consistent, accurate and reproducible results for interpretation. In addition, the BD Kiestra™ UCA is designed to reduce inter-reader variability with automatic growth semi-quantification algorithms.
Improve workflow efficiency
Help improve workflow efficiency with automated no growth or non-significant growth reporting supported by expert rules. Leverage colony color detection to assist readers with interpretation of BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ orientation plates.
Reduce hands on time
Batch release cultures with no or non-significant growth from catheterized and clean caught urine samples with minimal human intervention and in real time. Batch release may help to eliminate reporting delays and enable staff to focus on more complex tasks.
Workflow management
BD Synapsys™ informatics solution enables laboratories to address workflow challenges, including streamlining culture reading processes for timely reporting of critical results while managing workload to improve operational effectiveness.

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Product Attributes

Customizable expert rules in the UCA utilizing 5 growth quantification (CFU/ml) buckets for laboratory designed work lists
Batch reporting
Batch report urine samples with no or non-significant growth based on user-defined growth thresholds
Expert rules
Rules can be created using patient demographics or test results to drive consistent workflow for the user
Rolling bead technology

The BD Kiestra™ InoqulA uses magnetic rolling-bead technology to generate more discrete colonies compared to loop based streaking methods.* It also features a calibrated pipette for an accurate and standardized inoculation volume

Anytime, anywhere access

24/7 access to digital culture reading and interpretation powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution

User interface for culture reading
In BD Synapsys™ informatics solution, all plates of a specific sample type are shown in the same overview for consistent image interpretation
Closed door incubation

Available as part of a track-based BD Kiestra™ laboratory automation solution or with the BD Kiestra™ ReadA™ standalone systems

Validated media
The validated media types to be used for automated growth evaluation with plated urine cultures BD BBL™ Trypticase™, Soy Agar II with 5% Sheep Blood BD BBL™, CHROMagar™ Orientation BD BBL™, Trypticase™ Soy Agar II with 5% Sheep Blood/BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ Orientation BD BBL™ Trypticase™ Soy Agar II with 5% Sheep Blood/BD BBL™ MacConkey II agar BD BBL™ MacConkey II agar


*Croxatto, A., Dijkstra, K., Prod’hom, G. & Greub, G., (2015). Comparison of Inoculation with the InoqulA and WASP Automated Systems with Manual Inoculation. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, vol. 53 (7), 2298 – 2307.

BD Kiestra™ Urine Culture Application BD BD Kiestra™ Urine Culture Application Drive standardization,Standardized images enable consistent, accurate and reproducible results for interpretation. In addition, the BD Kiestra™ UCA is designed to reduce inter-reader variability with automatic growth semi-quantification algorithms. ,Improve workflow efficiency,Help improve workflow efficiency with automated no growth or non-significant growth reporting supported by expert rules. Leverage colony color detection to assist readers with interpretation of BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ orientation plates. ,Reduce hands on time,Batch release cultures with no or non-significant growth from catheterized and clean caught urine samples with minimal human intervention and in real time. Batch release may help to eliminate reporting delays and enable staff to focus on more complex tasks. ,Workflow management,BD Synapsys™ informatics solution enables laboratories to address workflow challenges, including streamlining culture reading processes for timely reporting of critical results while managing workload to improve operational effectiveness. ,Semi-Quantification ,Customizable expert rules in the UCA utilizing 5 growth quantification (CFU/ml) buckets for laboratory designed work lists ,Batch reporting ,Batch report urine samples with no or non-significant growth based on user-defined growth thresholds ,Expert rules ,Rules can be created using patient demographics or test results to drive consistent workflow for the user ,Rolling bead technology ,

The BD Kiestra™ InoqulA uses magnetic rolling-bead technology to generate more discrete colonies compared to loop based streaking methods.* It also features a calibrated pipette for an accurate and standardized inoculation volume

,Anytime, anywhere access ,

24/7 access to digital culture reading and interpretation powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution

,User interface for culture reading ,In BD Synapsys™ informatics solution, all plates of a specific sample type are shown in the same overview for consistent image interpretation ,Closed door incubation ,

Available as part of a track-based BD Kiestra™ laboratory automation solution or with the BD Kiestra™ ReadA™ standalone systems

,Validated media ,The validated media types to be used for automated growth evaluation with plated urine cultures BD BBL™ Trypticase™, Soy Agar II with 5% Sheep Blood BD BBL™, CHROMagar™ Orientation BD BBL™, Trypticase™ Soy Agar II with 5% Sheep Blood/BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ Orientation BD BBL™ Trypticase™ Soy Agar II with 5% Sheep Blood/BD BBL™ MacConkey II agar BD BBL™ MacConkey II agar

AI that enables high resolution and standardized plate imaging

BD Kiestra™ Urine Culture Application