BD is the inventor of BD Vacutainer® blood collection tubes as well as the worldwide leader in blood tubes. We support our products with extensive clinical expertise and educational materials to help you achieve the best possible results.
BD is the inventor of BD Vacutainer® blood collection tubes as well as the worldwide leader in blood tubes. We support our products with extensive clinical expertise and educational materials to help you achieve the best possible results.
BD는 유리 및 플라스틱 채혈 튜브를 제공합니다.
BD Vacutainer 플라스틱 튜브는 안전한 채혈 방법을 제공하며 튜브 파손 및 검체 유출 가능성을 줄여 혈액 매개 병원균에 노출될 가능성을 줄여줍니다.