BD BBL™ DrySlide™ products provide an alternative to biochemical testing. Reagent is dried on the slide, eliminating the need for reagent addition. Each slide is divided into four large segments, allowing multiple testing on one slide.
BD BBL™ DrySlide™ products provide an alternative to biochemical testing. Reagent is dried on the slide, eliminating the need for reagent addition. Each slide is divided into four large segments, allowing multiple testing on one slide.
BD BBL DrySlide PYR 키트
BD BBL™ DrySlide™ PYR 키트는 취급하기 쉬운 슬라이드 형식과 BD BBL™ DrySlide™ PYR 컬러 현상액이 든 시약 디스펜서를 제공하며 슬라이드/디스펜서당 최대 네 개의 테스트를 수행할 수 있습니다.