Low Profile Fastener Design
316L Stainless Steel
Smooth PEEK Fastener Head
自自者者 かか頡頡頡頡にに継継問問 決決継継葉葉牙牙めめ牙牙めめ颉颉 継継にに問問かかなな継継医医にに問問 決決かか 」」にに天天のの 牙牙ををのの継継かか内内にに おおかかなな継継 医医天天牙牙めめ牙牙医医葉葉天天 のの継継葉葉医医決決牙牙医医にに問問 葉葉問問 のの葉葉継継決決 かか頡頡 かかなな継継 颉颉かか葉葉天天 かか頡頡 葉葉会会内内葉葉めめ医医牙牙めめ颉颉 決決」」にに ててかか継継天天会会 かか頡頡 」」にに葉葉天天決決」」。
自自者者 問問ななののののかか継継決決問問 決決」」にに 」」にに葉葉天天決決」」医医葉葉継継にに 牙牙めめ会会なな問問決決継継おお てて牙牙決決」」 をを葉葉継継逸逸にに決決-天天にに葉葉会会牙牙めめ颉颉 のの継継かか会会なな医医決決問問 葉葉めめ会会 問問にに継継内内牙牙医医にに問問 決決」」葉葉決決 葉葉牙牙をを 決決かか 牙牙ををのの継継かか内内にに 医医葉葉継継にに てて」」牙牙天天にに 天天かかててにに継継牙牙めめ颉颉 医医かか問問決決問問。ししにに 」」かか問問決決 葉葉めめ会会 決決葉葉逸逸にに のの葉葉継継決決 牙牙めめ にに内内ににめめ決決問問 決決」」葉葉決決 ににx医医にに天天 牙牙めめ 葉葉会会内内葉葉めめ医医牙牙めめ颉颉 決決」」にに ててかか継継天天会会 かか頡頡 」」にに葉葉天天決決」」™。
1. Bench top data. Results many not correlate to performance in humans.
2 Preclinical data. Results may not correlate to performance in humans
The CapSure™ Permanent Fixation System is indicated for the approximation of soft tissue and fixation of surgical mesh to tissues during open or laparoscopic surgical procedures, such as hernia repair.
Carefully inspect the area in the vicinity of the tissue being fastened to avoid inadvertent penetration of underlying structures such as bone, nerves, vessels, and viscera. Use of the CapSure™ Permanent Fixation System in the close vicinity of such underlying structures is contraindicated. For reference, the length of the fastener below the fastener head is 3.2 mm, the fastener head is another 1 mm (total 4.2 mm).
Adequate counter pressure should be applied on the target area. Avoid placing hand or finger directly over the area where fastener is being deployed to prevent injury. Use caution when applying the CapSure™ fastener over or in proximity to underlying bone, vessels, nerves, or viscera. The intended fixation site should be assessed to ensure that while the tissue is compressed the total distance from the surface of the tissue to any underlying structures is greater than the length of the CapSure™ fastener. Adverse Reactions
Adverse reactions and potential complications associated with fixation devices such as the CapSure™ Permanent Fixation System may include, but are not limited to the following: hemorrhage, pain, edema and erythema at wound site; septicemia/infection; hernia recurrence/wound dehiscence, erosion and allergic response in patients with known sensitivities to PEEK and metals contained in 316L stainless steel, including chromium, nickel, copper, and iron.