
BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect

Expanding medication inventory visibility and improving compliance through IT connectivity

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BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect is a suite of solutions providing safe and efficient inventory management of automated and manual pharmacy stock across your facilities to guarantee the most accurate inventory visibility, compliance and control.

Do you want to have visibility of stock across multiple locations?

Controlled and efficient inventory management

The BD solution for safe, compliant, accurate and integrated inventory management is BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect.

It provides controlled and efficient inventory management, visibility and reporting in both automated and manual stock locations and will integrate to fill the existing gaps of today’s pharmacy information systems.

Empower your  drug  management with 100% inventory visibility

Connected and scalable across locations

Actionable analytics enhanced order management

  • Management of all types of drugs stored in BD Rowa™ Automation Systems
  • Integration with your PIS for optimised inventory and order management
  • Real-time pharmacy stock management
  • Accurate reporting and actionable analytics
  • Automated tote or ward box management

“The easy-to-install software solution supporting pharmacies with Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) compliance”

  • Direct connectivity with your national medicines verification system (NMVS) and pharmacy information system (PIS)
  • Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) - verification, decommissioning, recommissioning for all drugs
  • Full traceability of drugs, users, actions related to FMD processes

“Increased picking and storing efficiency – control and manage your drugs at your fingertips”

  • Management of all types of drugs stored on manual shelves
  • Real time operator guidance and workflow alerts
  • Management of full and partial packs

Future-proof medication management


Safety, Compliance, Accuracy and iNtegration (SCAN)

To ensure true visibility of all inventory movements, all transactions are automatically logged and monitored within BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect. Real-time notifications and compliance alerts: BD Pyxis™ Inventory  Connect offers full inventory visibility and reporting while improving the accuracy of your pharmacy information system across all managed storage locations.


Receiving Receiving
Integrated FMD Integrated FMD
Integrated FMD
Storage and control Storage and control
Storage and control
Picking meds Picking meds
Picking meds
Returning meds Returning meds
Returning meds
Visibility and reporting Visibility and reporting
Visibility and reporting
Simplicity Simplicity
<p>Your pharmacy team checks and inputs the order numbers for incoming medications and confirms that the right medications are received via BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect which automatically updates your pharmacy information system (PIS) with accurate data.</p>

Your pharmacy team checks and inputs the order numbers for incoming medications and confirms that the right medications are received via BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect which automatically updates your pharmacy information system (PIS) with accurate data.

Due to direct connectivity with the national medicines verification system (NMVS) and your pharmacy information system (PIS), integrated BD Pyxis™ FMD Verify ensures that all medications are compliant during all inventory scans regardless of their stock location. This significantly reduces the burden of manual labor impact to ensure compliance.
Products that can be stored automatically within BD Rowa™ are verified directly and manually stored items are scanned and stored on shelves or fridges at their predefined location by using BD Pyxis™ Guided Pick. As all transactions are reported and your PIS is constantly updated with accurate and complete information about your inventory.
This automates manual processes with seamless, safe and efficient workflows and offers full medication visibility across different locations.
Medication orders are transmitted from your PIS into BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect which coordinates both manual and automated picking workflows. Meds stored in automated locations will be delivered by BD Rowa™ Vmax to the desired output. For meds stored in a manual location such as a shelf or fridge, the technician will collect the packs guided by BD  Pyxis™ Guided Pick. All transactions, including FMD processes, are tracked by BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect which updates the PIS.  Once fulfilled the order can be delivered directly to the patient or to the BD Pyxis™ MedStation ES system at the ward.
Any Medications or partial packs can be returned to BD Rowa™ Vmax or  returned to manual shelves or other locations guided via BD Pyxis™ Guided Pick. All transactions are tracked by BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect which constantly updating the PIS.
With real-time notifications and compliance alerts, BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect offers full inventory visibility and reporting while improving the accuracy of your PIS across all managed storage locations. This improved accuracy throughout all your processes supports inventory optimisation and streamlines re-ordering.
Safety – Drug scanning for safer medication management to prevent errors and potential drug shortages

Compliance – Embedded capabilities to support your FMD compliance efforts

Accuracy – Completes information in your pharmacy information system to provide greater accuracy

iNtegration – Modular solution that scales with your organisation whole offering multi-user, multi-site access

Proactively manage your day-to-day medication management workflows




Efficiency – Control – Connectivity – Compliance

Safe, simple and smart across the care continuum

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    Control all inventory at a glance

    Automate manual processes with seamless and efficient workflows

    Spend more time on patient care*

    Gain confidence

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    IT professionals

    Utilise current infrastructure

    Secure data

    Reduce IT footprint

    Keep integration simple

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    Improve resource management

    Expand with your needs

    Get an overview of your organisation’s medication stocks

    Future-proof your investment with end-to-end medication management solutions from BD

Proactively manage your day-to-day medication management workflows


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BD Pyxis™ Inventory Connect


Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.


*BMC Health Service Research, Sep 2016


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Expanding medication inventory visibility and improving compliance through IT connectivity