Gain visibility to identify supply chain performance efficiencies
BD Pyxis™ supply technologies drive inventory management improvements and reduce waste across your healthcare system. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to supply chain automation, so customization is key to your success. With BD, you can engineer a solution for your entire organization that fits the different workflows and needs of your various clinical areas.
You can choose from the industry’s most diverse portfolio of point-of-use supply automation solutions, including open or secured scanning, push-to-take, RFID, and hybrid inventory management solutions. Because these solutions are built on a common platform, data is funneled to a single repository, which gives you instant insight into your overall supply chain whenever and wherever you need it.
The ability to eliminate challenges inherent in managing and maintaining disparate, disconnected systems saves both time and money. You’ll tailor supply strategies that improve workflows and caregiver satisfaction, which will in turn result in higher quality patient care. You’ll also drive standardization in all areas and manage par levels to better control your supply spend. With BD, you can improve case costing, facilitate regulatory compliance and increase charge capture.
Learn more about BD Pyxis™ supply technologies below.